Upcoming deprecation and migration for Mini and Basic Heroku Postgres plans

Change effective on 01 May 2024

Update 2024-05-21: We previously announced the end-of-life date was May 22, 2029. We updated the end-of-life date to May 29, 2024.

We’re deprecating mini and basic Heroku Postgres plans on the Essential-tier. The planned end-of-life date for mini and basic plans is May 22, 2024. If your review apps and CI apps use mini or basic databases in the app.json, you must update them to the new Essential-tier plans before the EOL date. If not, no action is required as we’ll migrate these add-ons to the new Essential-tier plans when they’re generally available.

See our schedule for deprecating all mini and basic databases in the Choosing the Right Heroku Postgres Plan article.